
The greatest thing has happened!

quidditch stuffThis year, Harry Potter turned 33 on July 31, and to celebrate, we held a Quidditch tournement!  This was something I had planned to do for quite a while, but when it came down to it, ended up being rather more complicated than expected.  I mean, have you ever made Quidditch hoops??

Many thanks to these guys: http://issuu.com/kevineng/docs/theultimatequidditchhoops for posting how to make Quidditch hoops.  Note to anyone attempting it: make sure you buy piping, tubing, and joints that are the same size, as they don’t specify that in the instructions.  I used 3/4 inch everything.

<– This is all the stuff you need to make the Quidditch Hoops.  Altogether, it was about $100.00.  Also, those cement blocks are very heavy – watch out.quidditchhoops

Luckily, the nice people at Home Depot cut the pipes for me, so we only had to cut the tubing for the hoops ourselves.  I’ll be honest, I was a little worried I’d have a disaster trying to cut the pipes on my own!

Quidditch requires six hoops.  They all have to have the same diameter, and need to be three different heights.  That meant a good amount of cutting.

quidditch hoopThe tallest hoops are 5’7″ from the ground to the bottom of the hoop.  That’s taller than me!

At Hogwarts, the hoops are gold, so ours are too!

It took 3 cans of gold spray paint to get them to their current level of shininess!Hoops!hoops

hoop ball





Briefing the Teams

Then it was TIME TO PLAY!

We had about 35 people come out, and we had a BLAST!

It was amazing.  People passing by on the street stopped to watch.  I’m surprised we didn’t cause car accidents, everyone was staring!

We started out with a  quick briefing, going over all the rules.

Seven players per team: 1 Keeper, 2 Beaters, and because we started the evening without a Snitch, 4 Chasers.

We would add a Snitch later.  We would also end up making our teams bigger and bigger, to let everyone play at once.

  Beat the Keeper!

Battle for the Bludger!   Beat the Keeper!

Some people got VERY competitive!!

Quidditch Fall  Quaffle

Sometimes it can be a somewhat violent game.  Especially where best friends and/or siblings are involved.

A quick instruction.  Fly!

That’s me.  Not sure what we were talking about, but apparently it was very important!

The Golden Snitch

And, finally, Our Golden Snitch:

Yeah, the wings were her idea.

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